Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What kind of mom are you?

I have been a mother now for over 13 years.

For some reason that seems insane to me.. because honestly, when the hell do we actually get the hang of this??  I feel like some days, I have my shizz together... but other days.. oy vey.

But here's the deal.  I have come to realize over the last 13 years+  that I have it together ENOUGH for me and my kids.

I have kind of been dealt the jackpot when it comes to children.  Besides the occasional teen girl angst, I have good responsible kids, who excel in school, complain now and then, can be asshats to me, but are amazing to others..  (of course, right?).

But what I really have learned over the years is that, I'm really not like other moms... at least not in some ways.

My kids are generally independent and can do a lot of things themselves.  Not because they are super kids that wear capes (though *I* think they are ;) )  But because, dudes, I was so NOT interested in doing all that shit for them.   If they decided to pack their lunches, or had to pack, they did and continue to do so themselves.  (A 9 year old can totally make her own sandwich, in case you were wondering. ) I make sure there are good, healthy options and they take care of that crap.  When they were smaller I provided more guidance..  Now??  If you want to survive on an apple and a cheese stick for 6 hours.. more power to ya girlfriend.  But i guarantee they will make a better choice the next day.  (DISCLAIMER: I don't starve my kids. *insert eye roll*)

I also do not get up at the ass crack of dawn to get middle school age children, that are perfectly capable of setting an alarm on their overpriced phones that I pay a TON of money for, out of bed.  They can do that.  They can also comb their hair, brush their teeth, grab some breakfast and get on the bus on time.  They do it, and have for years now, because they don't know any different.  (And because.. you know, like is said "kid jackpot" over here).

As a working mom most of my girls school career, I wasn't able to attend every party, field trip, or birthday.. but I did do most of them.  However ladies,  I always brought the paper products, or the drinks, or the chips.. because I am not a Pinterest mom and that's ok too.  I don't feel bad and neither should you, whether you are or you are not.

Here's the thing ladies.  I'm a mom, but I'm still me.  And being me is an anti-housework, non-baking, not super "maternal" lady.. BUT I love my girls fiercely.  I put them FIRST in my life, I make sure they have everything they need, and too much of what they want.  I support them.  I stand up for them.  I'm their biggest cheerleader.  And whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, a Pinterest mom or a whatever kind of mom I am..  I think that's all you have to do to be a GREAT mom.

 But don't tell everyone..  I don't want to give up my #worldsokayestmom title anytime soon.

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